The Greener Blast Blog

Comparing The Benefits of Vapor Blasting vs. Dry Blasting
Comparing The Benefits of Vapor Blasting vs. Dry Blasting Are you in search of a new abrasive blasting unit? Blasting units use pressurized air and

5 Reasons that Wet Slurry Blasting is Better than Other Forms of Abrasive Blasting
5 Reasons that Wet Slurry Blasting is Better than Other Forms of Abrasive Blasting Are you interested in a safer, cleaner, and more efficient abrasive

5 Uses of Wet Abrasive Blasting
5 Uses of Wet Abrasive Blasting Have you considered using wet abrasive blasting on your job site? Dry abrasive blasting is destructive and has limited

How to Address COVID-19 with Wet Abrasive Blasting
As more businesses and public spaces are available to reopen and return to regular operations, it is important to make sure the necessary precautions are

Patent Office Deems Greener Blast Technologies Worthy
Greener Blast Technologies, Inc. has been granted a patent from the U.S. Patent Office on our revolutionary wet abrasive blast pot. Appearance is not the